Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Aedan Crafts

I wanted to start some ABC learning with Aedan because he loves his letters and recognizes a few. I decided that we would make letter crafts where I print out the letter on the computer and we will glue some item on it that starts with that letter. So I need some help - can you think of anything that starts with A? We started with B yesterday because I couldn't think of anything.

I am looking for something relatively small, something he can safely handle, something that can be found around the house so he can more readily associate the letter with item/word, or something cheap. Apples and aspirin just wont work. We may have to do cheerios/cereal for C today...


  1. Matt says to use ants...

  2. Ok, ants are seasonal... not warm enough yet...
    Neal thought of animal crackers and I thought of almonds and since I had almonds on hand and I didn't want to get animal crackers because Aedan wouldn't eat them, I used almonds. So far we've done A for almonds, B for beans, C for cereal/cheerios.


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