Thursday, May 1, 2008

Oh, ho, ho, It's Magic

There has been a little magic going on around here the past few days and I'm finally able to break away for a bit to tell you about it! The tree in our front patch of a yard decided to full out blossom this year (has been hit or miss the past few) and it is a lovely shade of pink! Aedan and I spent some time cleaning out our backyard and making it ready for some yummy herbs. Things are looking greener by the day - thus my inspiration for our new blog layout.

Coincidentally I'm also currently reading the fourth book in the Septimus Heap series and am really enjoying it.

Blah blah blah, let's see some real magic....




Ok, so I know that was more of a Cinderella reference, so here you go...

Today we, that is, Cinderella (Mrs. C) and I, attended a royal party in honor of Princess A's 2nd birthday. It was fun to get dressed up for a few hours, and it was even more fun to act the part. But, the clock struck 5 and we went back to being our regular selves - you know, the mopping, the dusting, the laundry, etc. I need to get me some critters to do the cleaning for me.

My costume was made a little over 10 years ago by my mom and me and a few years back I made Neal a Dopey costume to match. I like costuming although I don't so much like sewing but will do it if needed. And when I can make a costume for the same price as renting one, plus it is better quality, plus I can keep it to use over and over, I will definitely go to the trouble of sewing it. I have won a few costume contests with this one too. Sadly I am not the same size as I was 10 years ago and I had to do a little unpicking and re-sewing magic today. Now if I can just get a fairy godmother who can shave off the pounds for me!

Title is a Pilot song reference and now I have it stuck in my head.


  1. Princess A has been talking about Snow White and Cinderella's visit constantly since the party. You have made her a very happy girl. Thank you.

  2. Wow you guys look great! Your mom did an awesome job on that costume. Who was Cinderella? As for the extra pounds who doesn't wish for a fairy godmother to take those babies aways :)

  3. You probably know who Cinderella is (I added the link to her blogsite...)
    And it was my pleasure to come to the party! Any time (will work for birthday cake!)

  4. So fun! You both look fantastic. I'm sure the birthday girl will be talking about this for weeks if not months!

  5. Thank you so much for being Snow White! She loved it and she loves you, with or without your costume.

  6. I forgot to add that David and I are extremely impressed with your new layout! David worked with a lot of graphic designers and he thinks that your abilities are as good as an expert...have you thought of going pro?


Thanks for your comment, pop in again soon!