Sunday, June 8, 2008

All thy children shall be taught of the Lord;

and great shall be the peace of thy children (3 Nephi 22:13) I know "all thy children" includes me too...

I have always loved serving in Primary and I find I have a hard time going back to Relief Society - not because of the RS itself but because I get sudden urges to "get my wiggles out" and that just wouldn't be right for me to bust out in Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes whenever I get restless. I know what you are thinking, I should do it anyways, if not for me, for the entertainment value.

We had Stake Conference a while back where I was released and called to my same calling in the Stake Primary presidency (of course that happens when there is a change in president). The ways things go with that is I have to be set apart again which is something I personally look forward to as I find I receive much needed guidance and direction from my Heavenly Father, not to mention my past blessings for my callings have all been quite choice. Going into it this time though, I was thinking, this is weird, I've served in this calling for a while and I wondered how/if things will be different. One thing I will share with you is that in my blessing I was told that I will be blessed as I strive to ease into my calling. I instantly thought, what?!? It is the same calling. The man giving the blessing and setting apart knew that was the case, he is the husband of the other counselor who is also from the previous presidency.

I just had to laugh in my mind about that and couldn't think why that would be said. And just when I think I know myself I find out the Lord knows me better. It has been a very humbling experience "easing" into this calling - I can't quite explain why. Not that it has been extremely difficult but I am discovering and rediscovering my responsibilities and that can be quite a challenge sometimes. Going into it I thought it would be a no-brainer transition but I am finding out little by little, that I have many things yet to learn from our new presidency, from the units we serve, and from the Lord, and to never ever assume that I have reached my full potential. I am grateful for the push to become better and the opportunity to do better. The Lord does not want his followers to stand still in ways of learning, in ways of charity and of spirituallity - young or old, we are all "striving to ease" into our various callings of life. The only successful way to do this is to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6).

My apologies for all the hyperlinks - I find our church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints does a much better job of explaining the terminology and I would hate to get anything wrong, I'm not perfect yet! I don't mean to assume you are a member of our church at all so if you have questions just ask!


  1. Can you just answer one question for me, Jackie?? Why do kids always want to sing "Once there was a snowman" in the Summertime?!?!? :)

  2. Why do they want to sing Popcorn Popping in the winter time? It is all too much fun!


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