Thursday, November 13, 2008

Maybe if you squint you can see it

"How much more schooling do you guys have left?" "When does Neal finish up?" "You guys are STILL here?" These are common themes in conversation with others we've had lately. Wouldn't it be nice if we could say that Neal finishes on X day of X month of X year? With the recent unfortunate news of Neal's PI getting turned down for tenure, we at least know that he will need to finish by Aug 2010. Not that we will be that long. Well, I think I can fill in the year, maybe not. We should be finishing next year. Let's see if we can fine tune this...

Yesterday Neal had a 6-month meeting with his committee. He had been busy writing up a detailed outline for the dissertation and putting together a presentation for the meeting. All that on top of having to TA this semester, continue lab work to try to get published, and still be around to play with Aedan in between.

According to Neal, things went well so here's my heart-felt congrats to you Neal! We love you! The upside of it all was that they seemed very interested in what he is doing and one had even commented to him that he shouldn't be in a hurry to get out of here because his work tells a great story and they would hate to see him finish too soon. But there's the downside, so much left to do and while there is all the time in the world, let's face it, we've been here for a long time and no one wants to be a student forever do they? Ok some do. All said and done, this so called "6-month" meeting does not mean that he will finish in 6 months. Could be longer. Probably won't be shorter. We could very well be around for another Fall. Or longer (I can't say it for fear it will come true!) We are not in a hurry to leave but the urge to start a new chapter in our life is there.

Meanwhile life goes on at an alarming rate.


  1. Yep, that's not an easy question to answer even though I know it's an easy one to ask.

    We, like everyone else here (I don't think I can speak for your family and friends that are hoping you move closer to them), will be glad you are around for as long as you here!

  2. p.s. Nice choice of poster. is a hilarious site.

  3. It will be hard to leave I know! We are HUGE fans of I love the blogging one: Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few. SO TRUE! So great!

  4. Well, we have 4 more years, so the more the merrier!!! Oh, and we still need to play Mario Kart...

  5. Way to go, Neal! The odd thing is with schooling, as soon as it's over it kind of seems like a dream - at least for those 6 months until the student loans come due :)

  6. Glad you made it through your meeting Neal!! Congrats! Sounds like they are impressed with your work too. Good job! And I'll speak for the family that is close by, we'll keep you guys for as long as we can!! In fact, if you want to move out to St. Joe, we'll cheer to have you even closer. =)

  7. We'll take you in Arizona! We would love some family here.


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