Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mighty Kitey


I remember wanting to have a really cool kite as a kid.  Not so much the stunt flying kind, because let’s face it, I’m not THAT coordinated.  I found a cool affordable kite at Sams Club and although it wasn’t as cool as the Star Wars space ship kites or as strange as the giant squid kite sitting next to it, a rainbow bird with a frilly tail and an impressive wingspan had some appeal to it. 


I’m so grateful for a husband who has the patience to get that kite up.  Aedan was very impressed with and proud of his new kite.


Aedan had several solo runs with his kite and he did great.  We can’t wait to get out and do it again!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting us go out with you guys. Gigi loved flying the kite and it was great seeing you all again :)


Thanks for your comment, pop in again soon!