Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bad Mommy, Good Boy

034It is so nice that Aedan has a fair idea of what is going to happen with baby #2 on the way.  I think he is more aware than I give him credit. 

The other day I was far too busy doing something on the computer when Aedan came up to me and tried to tell me something that was really important to him.  I told him I couldn’t talk right then because I was busy and he responded with his dejected little, “Oh.”

He then turned to my belly and addressed his little sister in utero, called her by name and repeated his important news to her because in his mind she wanted to hear what he had to say even if mommy didn’t. 


It’s a weird feeling to be heart-broken and overjoyed at the same time.  I should’ve given him some attention but at the same time, HOW CUTE WAS THAT?!?!?


  1. Yes, quite a weird feeling to experience too OPPOSITE emotions at the exact same time. MOTHERHOOD!!!!

  2. That is really cute.

  3. Ahhhhh. You are normal, in case you wonder. Not that I'm really in a position to provide positive mummy reinforcement, but I've ignored many a person I love over, um, the internet.

  4. I tell you, that kid is a genius, and a really handsome one at that. We miss you guys.


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