Thursday, March 6, 2008

Grand Opening on Saturday

In two days we will be holding our

KITCHENATION CELEBRATION - A Blogfest of Blogtastic Blogitude

(are you impressed, I made that up all by myself). It is our grand opening event and it is sure to be sensational. So why a grand opening you ask? Well, follow me on this train of thought - I starting blogging on this site on Feb 29th which so happens to be leap year. Now, thinking ahead, if ever I were to do a blog anniversary, well, you'd be waiting four years before that would happen. So March 8th it will be, happy blogday to me! So we invite the whole of the Kitchen Nation (that means you) to join us some time on that day for the festivities.


  1. ummm, can you guys move here soon and we can be bffs? You are so fun!

  2. I would sure love that! We would have way too much fun, I don't know if our hubbies would be ok with that.... ;)

  3. A greeting for your blog's grand opening for Hongkong :-D


Thanks for your comment, pop in again soon!