Sunday, April 27, 2008

Striving for Harmony in the Home

I am so grateful that I grew up with music in the home. I started playing piano when I was four and cello when I was eleven and while I would like to say that I have done a good job at keeping up the skills, I just can't. We have a piano and I have my cello here and I just don't get around to playing either very often. I know I should, if nothing for the fact that Aedan loves music, even when I play a few sour notes.

Rather than mope about it here, I thought I'd share some of the musical happenings that actually do go on in our household. You've already had a taste for Aedan's love of disco music, and you have had the chance to even hear him sing/participate in song a few times over.

However, it was apparent early on that he had great interest in musical instruments. (10 month old)

For his first birthday we bought him a really fun assorted percussion kit that came with a CD and he loves to listen and march around playing his little tom tom or triangle.

He even got a Chinese drum rattle from his Hong Kong relatives. (1yr old)

His most recent instrument interest has been the harmonica. Just before Christmas we had some of Neal's family over at our place and we had a little holiday program where each family was to do something festive and Neal's dad/Aedan's grandpa played Silent Night on the harmonica.

And ever since then, Aedan has referred to a harmonica as a "grandpa" and I haven't had the heart to correct him. He sure looks up to his grandpa and he begs to play a harmonica just like his grandpa. So I finally bought a Blues Band harmonica that is small, affordable, but very easy to play. It has such a beautiful tone (no sour notes!) and I love how excited he gets when he plays. He even likes to applaud himself. I should have him play at our local bookstore and set a little tin cup down so he can start his college fund... What do you think?

We look forward to the many years of music we can experience in our own family and the great blessings that can come from having music in the home and a song in our hearts!


  1. Excellent post- a subject close to my heart. Taylor walks around singing all day- it's the first thing we hear in the morning and the last thing we hear every night. Makes mommies' hearts happy to have musical babies, doesn't it?

  2. I love the pic of Aedan at 1 yr! How adorable :) And I had no idea Fred had it in him to play the harmonica! Good for him!


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