I have yet to figure out if this is mostly a Midwest thing but it seems apple orchards out here far exceeds the limits of apples and trees. Almost every day Aedan asks if we can go to the "apple farm" just down the road from our place and it is not because of the apples or even the fun pumpkin patch that they have. It is all the extras - the playground, the animals, the open space, the store, the donuts, etc. Oh the apples are really quite good (better than the grocery store apples I will admit) and the pumpkins are beautiful and the cider is a very special treat but all of this is pretty pricey and while I try to restrain myself I find that I probably spend more on that stuff then I probably should...
We sure didn't escape it all when we went to Michigan. We ventured out with family to the
Wiard's Orchard in Ypsilanti Michigan and we weren't disappointed! They actually let you watch them press apples for cider and I must say that I did not want a picture of that because it actually looked pretty disgusting.... But what we did find fun was:

a chance to sit in the
front of the sheriff's car (for a change...)

... hayrides pulled by a cool tractor into the haunted forest filled with silly skeletons, ghost towns, and other creepy sights. We also went on a ride on a very old fire engine and it so happens they do the same drive route as the tractors so we got to experience it twice :)

pumpkin patches at sunset

Neal couldn't resist the apple cannon
Apparently we never grew out of the "playing with our food" phase... Lots of fun but Neal complained that there were too many variables (various apple sizes, weights, etc) to be able to accurately hit the distant targets without a lot of practice.
The Midwesterners sure know how to have a good time!
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