Monday, November 10, 2008

Aedan Talk: Who taught him this?!

Mom: Do you want to go to the store?
Aedan: I don't want to say no. Just want to say yes.
Mom: So say yes then.
Aedan: Yes!

Aedan: It's sprinkley!
Mom: I think you mean sparkley.
Aedan: No! Sprinkley!

Dad: Aedan look! We are all wearing blue! Look, (as he points) baby blue, baby blue, and baby blue! We match!
Aedan: No, dats the daddy blue, mommy blue, ....

Aedan: I want chicken nuddits...

And at long last, instead of mom all the time
Aedan: I want my dad

Mostly though, Aedan has given up a little on his vocab and has turned his attention to body language in conversation. He will say a bunch of gibberish and practice his moves to emphasize his point...

And this is his "yai yai" song which when I was little, my grandma from Hong Kong would always say "yai yai" to us when we were doing something bad...


  1. This video is priceless. Enough said.

    We wish we could be there to watch Aedan grow up!

  2. Is this an ancient battle song that has been passed down through your family tree? :)

  3. I loved seeing Aedan. He has grown so much and is quite the entertainer. Gigi of course LOVES this song and had to join in by doing the same hand gestures. Too cute!


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