Sunday, November 9, 2008

Birthday Duo!

Happy Birthday to my grandma R and my auntie D (my dad's mom and older sister)! I always thought it was neat that my grandma gave birth to her daughter on her own birthday! My aunt has very skillful hands - she made this beautiful quilt we have hanging up in our front room and gave it as a wedding gift to us years ago. This picture really doesn't do it justice, it is quite a masterpiece! I have little crafty items around the house that were made by my aunt and they are all flawless! I wish I had her talent!

Aedan with his great aunt D, Christmas 2006

My grandma is such a good friend to me! I have so many memories of times spent with her and they all come flooding back to me over the holiday season too. One fond memory I have was when I visited her while she was in the hospital after having knee surgery and we played dominoes and I plunked out some tunes on the ukelele. It was so fun, aside for the surgery part. And how many grannies do you know that will stay up with you until 3am playing Pinochle? How cool is that?! I know I'm going to miss her holiday yummies.

Aedan with his cousin K and his great grandma R! August 2007

Love and miss you ladies!


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