Monday, January 12, 2009

Aedan Talk Version 2.5 Update

image Aedan has always been a snuggly boy. I’ve enjoyed the cuddle time and I hate to think about when that might end. I love to give him kisses and he liked giving kisses back, (insert sigh here) until recently. He doesn’t want to give kisses anymore and he generally doesn’t want to receive them and when we do manage to steal a kiss, he wipes it off! This came on so suddenly, too suddenly, and I was not prepared for it. Where did my little boy go? Sniff…
So naturally, we can add this to the latest Aedan Talk issue:

  • “No kissing mine cheek”
IMG_4446 Other choice gems are:
  • “Mr. President! Mr. President! We have a situation!”
  • “He’s dripping!” (referring to his baby cousin’s drooling)
  • “Aedan! Jesus loves me! Aedan! Jesus loves me! Love love love for the tricklin down!” (from a personalized christian music cd from our old home teacher)
He still says “There it are!” and a conversation the other day went something like this:
Aedan: “There it are!”
Mom: “No, you mean, ‘there it is’”
A: “There it is?”
M: “Yes. Say ‘it is’ when you only see one and you say ‘they are’ when you see lots of them. Here is one cup. Where is the one cup? ‘There it is!’ Now look, there are two cups, say ‘There they are!’”
A: “No, just one, two, three cup. Three cup! There it are!”


  1. I can't imagine my kids not wanting kisses anymore. That is sad! Savanna is older, so I don't really kiss her as much I guess. Makenna does play this game where she "pulls" off our kisses when she doesn't want them. I'm going to be so sad when she loses her cute soft cheeks though. They grow up too fast!

  2. Too funny. How old is Aedan? I ask because for a long time Danny was totally against kisses and even hugs. Now all of a sudden, since he turned about 4, he is way more willing to be kissed and hugged. He even initiates it often. And where he never used to be a snuggler, lately, he will sit and snuggle with me. Maybe Aedan will go through another snuggle phase when he gets a bit older? I hope so. There is nothing like snuggling with one's child!


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