Friday, April 3, 2009

We are so glad to still have great-grandma’s around!

IMG_4826We were able to visit Aedan’s great-grandma (Neal’s grandma) shortly after she turned 91 last month! She just received her 91st great-grandchild a couple days ago and as far as we know, we will be having her 92nd in September. That is amazing, so many people in Neal’s side of the family!


Great-Aunt H takes care of great-grandma and keeps everything running in the home! Aedan had so much fun with her, she is great with kids!

I hope if/when I get to be 91 I am as sprightly as Aedan’s great-grandma! She still knows how to have fun with the young ones! Here is a video of Aedan and great-grandma playing with a balloon. She even gets in a little Kung-Fu action too… so cute!


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