Saturday, August 29, 2009

Oh Aedan!

This month has been a very strange one in all things concerning Aedan.  He has displayed absolute horridness and absolute sweetness in August and everything else in between.  The horrid parts were mostly his more aggressive ways of interacting with others which may in part be due to the fact that he is learning to cope with people in large numbers, and he could be going through a phase.  I’m sure I could slip in imprefect parenting in there… Let’s just say that it has been very stressful for me. In this last week or so he seems to have mellowed out a little and I am regaining faith that he can handle having friends again.

Well anyway, here’s the high and lowlights of this last month:


His most commonly used phrase? “I can do it all by mineself!”


Aedan has stopped calling us ‘mommy’ and ‘daddy’ and uses ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ now.  It feels too grown up for him I think!


Aedan: “Hey mom! Look, I can stick the red game part in my….”

Me: “Huh? What! NO!!!”

and then the next day…

Aedan: “Mom? Can I play with the game with the red piece? I won’t put it in my bum.”

Me: “Thanks for clarifying that for me kid.”


As we were headed to the car to go run errands…

Aedan: “Mom? I’m thirty-six.  Can I drive?”


Lately he gets very sad/upset when Neal takes the car.  Not because he is leaving us behind, but really because he doesn’t want him taking the car.


I’ve been showing Aedan photos of when he was a baby and when he was born.  For some reason his crying pictures are of interest to him and he likes to proudly point out, “Look! I’m fussy!”


IMG_0424 Aedan has taken to playing with the baby dolls in nursery and at friends homes these last few weeks.  He will hold the baby very gently and take care of her for much longer than I would have expected of him.  A couple days ago he found this baby doll at my sil’s house and held it on his shoulder while vacuuming the floors.  Don’t know where he would have seen this but it is funny to see him multi-tasking.


Sometimes my influence on Aedan is pretty pitiful.  For example, he had a buddy over playing the other day and I overheard them pretending to go to garage sales. 


If there is one thing I’ve learned about Aedan through these last few months is that he is generally very honest.  If he does something wrong he will fess up to it.  Of course he does so very matter-of-factly (“Ya.  I hit him.”) and I’m not sure if it is indifference or just plain ignorance of the act being wrong in the first place.  He is also not a whiner or crier for the most part.  And while this may seem like a good thing I am finding that he can’t tolerate fake crying or whining in other kids and he has tried to act as the discipliner on multiple occasions…


Aedan still wakes up in the night and tries to crawl into bed with us.  Sometimes when he does this he is awake enough to say something.  One night I was startled awake to find him standing on my side of the bed (almost never happens) and he was just looking at me all confused.  I asked him what was wrong and he asked me, “Mom? Did the baby come out of your tummy?”  He seemed very concerned about it (must’ve been a dream?) and I reassured him that she was still in my tummy and he gladly went back to sleep.

Boy are we in for some fun next month!


  1. Sounds like a totally normal 3-year-old to me!

  2. I didn't want my son to be a prefect, anyway. ;)

  3. Clarissa sometimes calls us "Mother" and "Father". It's funny how they pick up on things and like to try new things out.

  4. I love the things kids do and say...and the naughty stuff is always funnier when it is someone else's kid.

    Max has taken to calling me Sister (last name) lately. Lovely.

    And last night he too crawled into our bed, and then proceeded to leak out of his diaper.



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