Saturday, July 9, 2011

Aedan’s Graduation

I am starting to panic as I have to get Aedan ready for Kindergarten  which starts in a month and then I realize I never posted pics of his graduation (among many other things…)

Bear with me, pic overload but BONUS there is a video at the end! Feel free to skip to that.


Aedan attended a preschool at a local evangelical church and they did an excellent job with him.  They worked in Bible themes with some of the lessons and even taught them some songs which sound funny to me but then I wonder if Primary songs sound funny to everyone else who is not Mormon.  Anyway, this picture is of him singing:

Thank You, God, for who I am
I don't have to be a Superman
Thank You, God, for who I am
All I wanna be is Your best friend

Aedan was a shy kid in his class.  He barely spoke to his teachers and seriously this is the best smile I could get from him as he received his diploma.


Someone’s mom went all out.  Nope not me.


Aedan’s teachers Mrs. Ilkow and Mrs. Turner.


Aedan’s Lego graduation gift from us. I spent some time making a funny lego card for him because for some reason this kid LOVES cards.  Especially if they are well thought out.


We celebrated with lunch at the place of his choice, Burger King. 


We are so proud of the many things he has learned this past year!  He is reading books on his own now, his favorites being all of the Mo Willems Elephant and Piggie books (they are hilarious, not your Dick and Jane).  He is a very methodic boy, which makes Legos a perfect fit for him and he can follow the instructions on his own.  He has learned to LOVE dancing, thanks to Just Dance 2 and Michael Jackson’s Experience on the Wii.  His graduation program was full of song and dance and he shocked us all (incl. his teachers) by his extreme dance moves. 

It came out of nowhere.

His teachers were cracking up because he is NEVER like that at school.

Afterwards we asked Aedan why he was dancing SO well and he said that he wanted to “win the dance”.  Apparently he thought it was a game like the Wii. 

Here, see for yourself. I don’t think I need to even tell you where he is in the crowd. He is the one knocking other kids down with his moves.

Funny kid.  We love you Aedan!  Good job!


  1. AnonymousJuly 09, 2011

    SO PRECIOUS! We love the videos. Way to go, Aedan! Millie was telling me how good he is at the dancing Wii. We'll have to see that sometime (hint, hint). He was definitely way ahead of this routine. :) Thanks for posting.

  2. I didn't realize Aiden & Aedan are the same age! I thought my Aiden was a year or two older, but they are both going into kindergarten this year, so I guess they're the same age! Congrats Aedan on graduating!! Hugs, Lindsay (your blog still won't let me post from my google account...weird)


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