Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hooray For My Baba!

In an earlier post, I wrote about how my dad sings in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and some tips on how to spot him. Well, he told me that we most likely wouldn't see him as he is in the second to last row and the second seat from the edge (closest to the audience). Well, guess what, we saw him quite a bit already in the first session. Here is a picture of him:

Hi fives to anyone who can spot him :)

I have enjoyed general conference so far but what I want to know is, why does the general Priesthood session seem to be so much more lively? Of course since women do not hold the priesthood in our church and since the session is only for Priesthood members, I do not get to witness the fun times personally. Neal comes home and tells me all the funny things that happen and when I read the session talks in the conference issue of the Ensign, it doesn't seem as lively as what I've been told so I wonder if they don't include all of the humor or something.

On another note, the name 'Baba' is Cantonese for dad. You will see me use that name every so often as I have always called him that. Aedan has never called Neal 'baba' because we've never pushed it but now he hardly calls him daddy, referring to him as Neal. I don't think I can bring myself to call Neal 'daddy' unless referring to him. Don't bother asking me "Who's your daddy?"...


  1. Way to go Jackie's dad! We will look out for him today :)

  2. That just sounds weird to me since "baba" is old woman in many slavic langugages :) But yes - way to go Jackie's BABA! I'll try to spot him this morning :)

  3. we call our father in another word " louh dauh"

  4. Ben's actually mentioned before that some humor has historically been edited out. Remember President Hinckley challenging someone to a dual? That never made it into the Ensign.

  5. It really is too bad they don't print the jokes but then some (I heard about Prez Monson's ear wiggles) just won't translate into words very well.

    And for all those watching for my dad on Sunday, I mostly saw him from the back of his head so next time I'll post a picture from that angle...


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