Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rā Whānau

Kia huritau ki a koe! Happy Birthday to my brother C!  He most likely celebrated yesterday as he and his lovely family are living in New Zealand now!  We need to go visit them!!!  I don't know how the Maori's celebrate birthdays but I'm going to guess it involves spectacular food!  Or maybe a solo haka? :) Either way we hope it was a fun one!  We can't wait to watch for his name in the credits list of upcoming movies such as The Day the Earth Stood Still or Avatar.  Can you tell I am so proud of him?!

This is C holding Aedan and me holding C's newborn K, Feb 2007 in Utah.  A happy day!


  1. Jackie you are so incredibly sweet and thoughtful! Chris told me that you posted happy birthday to him :) it made him feel so loved ;)
    so, are you learning maori then?

  2. My Maori is limited to counting and songs/chants and most of the time I don't know exactly what I'm saying. But I can handle the poiballs fairly well...


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