Right Now the kids are downstairs wrapping Christmas presents for me and Neal. Aedan’s is apparently something he made at school today (his last day of the year) and Lily just “shops” around the house for things and wraps them. There is a large assortment of boxed pudding and cake mixes wrapped with “snappy tape” and “oh so beautiful” bows from her under the tree, each carefully labeled by mom for their intended recipient (one even says To: Lily, From: Lily).
Can I just say this is the kindest looking Santa ever? Love Lily’s Santa Phobia. Our little village has a BIG Christmas party.
Right Now the baby is kicking me a lot. I have to go back for another ultrasound in two weeks because the baby was positioned in such a way that they couldn’t get all their measurements. We are a bit worried that I am getting a fair amount of swelling at this point in pregnancy, having low iron and such, and I am just hoping and praying I don’t wind up on complete bed rest.
Neal and Lily on the Holiday Train at the Illinois Railroad Museum
Right Now Lily’s pants are riding low as we have been working on potty training this month and she is out of diapers. She is not quite 2 1/2 yrs and if I was feeling up for it she might have been trained earlier but my goal was by the end of the year so not too bad. My limited experience doing potty training has led me to believe that potty training is more training for the parent than the kid. We just go straight to underwear, no diapers (except overnight) and while there are accidents, it works pretty well and quick. I am THRILLED to have a handful of months without diapers!
Right Now the house is a mess. What’s new.

Right Now Neal is working hard so that he can take time off for the rest of the year (starting tomorrow!). We are looking forward to a quiet Christmas at home. I can honestly say I am so thankful to not have to be dealing with the stress, money, time, and more stress of travelling for the holidays. But we do miss family.
Daddy is good for making the kids smile when they don’t want to.
Right Now I am organizing my to-do list for the weekend. We have two sets of missionaries here for Christmas Dinner (so much for quiet) and we are trying to figure out menu. So far Vichyssoise Soup, Beef Wellington, roasted veggies, rolls, salad, homemade applesauce, and maybe some pie. Most can be prepped ahead of time. What are you having for dinner?
The kids perusing the toy catalogs, marking up what they want for Christmas. We used to do this as kids, it was kind of funny to watch them do it.